Thursday, October 6, 2016

En Archae

The search for truth is not is not a new concept.  It is well worn path, trod by countless generations.

Wisdom.  Truth.  Answers.

The human soul is hungry for these things.

Things that cannot be bought.
Things that cannot be fabricated.
Things only acquired by experience and by Revelation.

My aim is to find truth, find answers, and obtain wisdom.  I wholeheartedly believe that this is not only possible but that it will come to pass.  However, this is not something I can do on my own, or by myself.

I am not smart enough.
I am not strong enough.
I am not persistent enough.


I want to devote myself to finding, obtaining, and implementing truth.  This is wisdom.

Wisdom does not occur through force or through reason.  No, wisdom occurs through community.  This does not mean community determines truth.  Truth is not subject to change.  Rather, community discovers truth.

What is my aim?  What makes these words, and our time mean something?

My aim is to start a conversation.

I want to walk with my brothers, living life together.  Asking questions together.  Seeking answers together.  Discovering wisdom like a hidden world in a wardrobe.  Pondering mysteries.  Probing the universe.  Using thought, dialogue, reason, literature, science, and every other God given tool under the sun to understand Him better.  To understand why I am here.  Why we are here.  To know what is our purpose and in finding that, fulfilling our purpose(s).

But I cannot do this alone.  I need space.  We need space.  And space is what I aim to create.  This is a space for you and a space for me.  A space to think.  A space to dream.  A space to question.  A space to create.


That is the goal.  I want to invest in you and you in me so that brick by brick, by God's grace we build something together that will last.  Something eternal.  Something significant.  That's what I want.  Significance.  I want my days to have meaning.  My work to be worthwhile.  My time to be well-spent.

So let's spend time.  Asking questions, finding answers, enjoying purpose.

I invite, no, I challenge you to become involved.  Make this your space.  Ask your questions.  Think your thoughts.  Speak your mind.  Take part in community.  Make wisdom your own.  And walk with your brothers.


  1. My view on this post is that wisdom is knowledge of God and self, but in my eyes there's also an act of being wise. Knowing when to use wisdom and discern evil from good when confronted with that situation. Knowing when to avoid temptation and trust in God is my view of true wisdom.

    (Response by Montez)

    1. Absolutely! I totally agree. That's exactly what I mean by learning to together and learning from each other.
